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Tip of my Tongue: Old Roblox horror game from 2014-2018

I know, 2014-2018 is a long span, but I'm not exactly sure of the specific year. In the game, you play as a man, presumably a father, arriving home during a thunderstorm, I believe. Your son, a baby that I think was named Michael, is crying. You have to go check on the son, but find that he is missing. I got stuck at this point so I tried to look up a guide on youtube, but I remember not being able to find one as the name of the game was somewhat generic. I remember that the room you start in is somewhat yellow-orange, and it does take place at night. The game was somewhat lesser known, and since it's old, it could have been taken down.

I'd be glad to help out with looking for this if anyone is interested, and I'm willing to follow any leads.

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