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Why are people still brainwashed?

Posted by WhatDaLickReadd


Forum: Life

I believe people are still brainwashed because they don’t want to unlearn all the lies that were taught over the years. They don’t wanna be wrong, afraid of what someone else might say. Afraid to be different. What if I told you that everything you’ve learned was 95 percent falsified? Imma give them the benefit of the doubt with that 5% that these teachers had good intent with it, but honestly the answer is the people who run this earth “free masons” don’t want people like Me (who is aware and awake) to know the truth. To know what this country was really built on. Do you know that we have super powers? Do you not magick is not evil? When Christopher Go Fuck Yourself Columbus came over here he wanted to take over. But he seen that we were too powerful. He said that things we were doing weren’t Godly. But there was nothing wrong with what we were doing. He couldn’t do it so he brainwashed us . Making us practice a religion we never heard of . We are Spiritual Beings Sent From The Most High to enlighten and awaken our brothers and sisters who are still sleep. 

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Reply by Kori



I used to be in a christian cult (jehovah's witnesses) 
When i was in, i believed in it so hard. I used to go door to door knocking, spent over 30 hours a month just doing that. 

I think that fear is very powerful. I was raised to believe that some day soon, the government was going to crack down on religion and we (JWs) would be the last religion standing and when the police showed up to kick our doors in, we would have to stay faithful even if it meant our lives. 
Next, they said, armageddon would come and everyone who wasnt a JW would die, our reward for our faith would be being resurrected or making it through the "great tribulation" , those who had died would be resurrected.
All would have the promise of life on earth for eternity, not heaven, not hell, just earth that we would have to clean up, the pollution, the trash, the 7+billion dead bodies that would be lying everywhere. 

It was the fear of being destroyed forever along with the promise that if we were faithful enough, we would live forever. Two very important extremes. 

There are so many people who make it out of there, people like me, many who have committed suicide because of shunning and depression. Many, if not most, have some form of PTSD or trauma. There are thousands of us who have made it out, more to follow. We all support eachother through facebook groups now. 

Back to the question, why are people still brainwashed? 

They have a hope, and they have a fear of the opposite of that hope. Religious people live very rigidly, and they live in extremes. Theres one side, and theres another. Left, right. Up, down. Evil, good. 
Very rarely will you find a middle ground. 

And you can't tell them to wake up, because it only enforces their persecution complex. 

All you can do is what i do with my grandmother; love her from a distance and know that she'll never see me as anything but less than. And be okay with that and be thankful that she hasnt completely shunned me out of her life; because there is enough love for me there for her, that she would be partially willing to give up her chance at living forever just because she is talking to me, which she is not supposed to do, according to cult standards. 

Love them. Simply. Love them until they start questioning why a bad person like you is being so kind. Thats when the first questions start, hopefully. And then critical thinking will follow, and then eventually they'll figure it out for themselves. 

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Reply by Kori


Love is the highest vibration, afterall. 

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Reply by Kitchen Staff


Most people who are still brainwashed, surround themselves with people with similar believes so they don't know anything else, and any attempts to make them think normally makes them want to not believe in anything else even more than before.

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Reply by clem


tsalagi gawonihidsi friend. this post reminds me of a book i read once called Everything You Know About Indians Is Wrong and it sang to my soul. i  mourn what life would have looked like on this side of turtle island if europeans had not destroyed the planet and deleted their atrocities from their own history books :/

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