If this isn't quite the place to put this then I apologise, couldn't think of anywhere else for this to go. Also if this is considered 'harmful' (I am aware that this, should I go through with it, is likely a bad decision) then I apologise for that too.
Anyway, Im bored, I have barely any money, Im doing all the research I can, and I think that I might try to give myself a tiny tattoo!! Only a simple design, no bigger than a coin and it'll be somewhere that can be easily hidden, maybe my ankle (although Ive heard it's pretty painful there). Knowing myself Ill probably put it off for some months but hey whatever. In some ways Im only concerned by the risk of infection (which Im aware is fairly likely) and what do do with the needle afterwards - maybe a messy design will have its own charm. :)
Other than the most obvious and sane 'please don't do this that's a terrible idea' type of advice, any tips that might be good to know? Or even any stories from anyone who's tried this themselves?