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favorite thing about goblincore:

favorite trinkets to collect: 

fun fact: 

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Reply by ★ iso ★


Name: iso 

Pronouns: she/her

age: 16 

favorite thing about goblincore: i love the random collecting of trinkets and nature artifacts that others may find possibly weird.

favorite trinkets to collect: i love pins,bones, pebbles .

fun fact: blue tongue skinks use their blue tongue to confuse predators that their venomous! 

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Reply by XxxCasperxxX


Name: Casper


age:14 (about to turn 15)

favorite thing about goblincore: t r i n k e t s

favorite trinkets to collect: rocks, bones, anything shiny, bottles

fun fact: there r over 5,000 different types of lady bettles, also called ladybugs or ladybirds, and the most common type of ladybug is called coccinellidae also called the convergent ladybug

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Reply by jAm


Name: James

Pronouns: he/him

age: 14

favorite thing about goblincore: i LOVE small things sm... like literally anything tiny I absolutely adore (animals, plants, sticks, etc.)

favorite trinkets to collect: honestly i don't have a specific genre that comes to mind lol probably just small things (as mentioned before!!!!)

fun fact: not golbincore related, but early human civilizations used a sexagesimal counting system (or base 60) instead of our modern decimal system (or base 10). Though this may sound complicated, this just means that, instead of moving up a "place" at a value of 10^n (ex: 9 (1 digit) goes to 10 (2 digits), and 999 (3 digits) goes to 1000 (4 digits)), they would move up a "place" at a value of 60.
Remnants/early models of this system can be found in how we, in modern day, denote time. Instead of a uniform base 10 system, we use base 12 AND base 60 (60 mins in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 12 months in a year, etc...). Also, in early Christian (i believe?) calenders, there were said to be exactly 360 days in a year, which is divisible by both 12 and 60 (and therefore can be represented in both bases)
omg sorry that was so long but i think its super cool

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Reply by Madix


Name: Madix


age: .

favorite thing about goblincore: the collecting 100%

favorite trinkets to collect: rocks, bones, soda can tabs, bottles and basically anything I think looks cool

fun fact: snails can sleep up to 3 years

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