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Whats good....this is the admin of this group... I wanna introduce us to start off. N.B.S.B is a music duo with Chaboi and Spardakiss. Both from Columbus Ohio! We both love music, all genres, and we both do music. We like to think of ourselves different from most. We want to have a different sound from what most people are used to. The auto tune...the rapping about the same thing over and over again....thats not what we do. We combine our music with mainly rap, but also have some guitar play in a lot of our music so it doesn't sound like everything else does now. We try to rap "positive" but also keep it real-life. We both believe that our music deserves to be heard!    Our music is on all streaming platforms. Posted is the link to our soundcloud page...and also our debut album on iTunes Humble Beginnings (which is also on our soundcloud page). Follow us on here, and on soundcloud. If you like us PLEASE SUPPORT US!!! The first link is our 1st music video that we shot "Maybach".   Https://youtu.be/8nz_QvSuheU   https://music.apple.com/us/album/humble-beginnings/1545360425?ls   https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/3tzUei3pruXJ2MU58   New EP coming very soon.. Streets Is Listening

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