i have noticed lately a lot of complainings about that guy Tim or Kim or i don't fucking know his name.. and many other complainings about other perverts, fake profiles etc... and other simillar issues etc.. anyway, so the thing is that i will tell you first about the reasons that made this happend and second the soulitions for avoid this type of shit again.
so first: i personally in all of my social medias i don't just add who ever comes on my way or acccept any friend requests. but first i check on the profile, see if the profile picture is real, read what was written on the profile, the age if it's +18, and if they do have other social mdeia links which it help if they are real or fake, and above all of this to kinda of read a bit about the personality of that person from what they write in theri profile, so it's simple as meeting a new person in real life, in the first minutes you can tell whether it's a good person or if it's a bad sick basterd. And of course in social i personally never been the type who's looking getting many followers or stuff like this etc... So logically it's actually so easy to avoid this type of people.
and second: the reason that made this happen a lot is because the issue that many people had which is to just accept anyone and not carring that much about what will comes after, for example if you will check on my friend list you will see that yes i have like over 600 friends but every single one of them are real, and of course i don't know most of them because of course it's not possible to get to know all of them at once, but it happens through time and sometims it dosen't, and also i do have all this friends because i have been using Spacehey since day one, and even tho i recieve freind requests daily but i don't accept them all unless they are real as i montiened above. and same thing goes to when i add people i don't just add everyone or just for fun etc.. i do add only the ones that i know they are real and i find them interesting and had things in common and they seems nice etc...
So in the end it's up on you, An and the rest of the Spacehey team can't do that all by their own but by the help of the rest of us, i mean by this the real ones who do care about Spacehey and to keep it a cool and a unique social media.
And yes i'm not that active in Spacehey as i used to back when it was created, the reason is because i'm busy most the times, but i really like to be around whenever i have a free time, i even prefer it much more than Instagram or Facebook etc.. because honestly i do really like Spacehey especially the fact that it has that simplicity on it and it's comfortable and free from all the drama and hypocrite commercial and politics that all the other social media has. also and because of Spacehey i did make some very cool friendships and i would like to get to know each good person in here, it dosen't have to be like a daily or a close one, but just keeping that unique connection is already a pleasue.
alright that's it people, have a nice weekend and take care all.
- Malko