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Posted by xzpyr1


Forum: Games

I've been a fan of SMT's Persona for a while and I don't think its being talked enough around here. I wanted to know what everyone else thinks about persona. Hate it love it? Whats your own experience playing the persona franchise? Favorite game or scene?? Just say anything persona related !!

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Reply by lizzie <3


im super into persona, have been since 2019, i love persona 4 or 3, 

in 4 i like the whole storyline and love everything abt it, completed it like 6 times XD

in 3 i like the option of being a girl lol. the storyline is also amazing

i just really like the older games tbh, smthing abt them is so cool!

what about you???

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Reply by rory


I really love the entire series, but my favorite game is p4g idk something about it feels so warm I love it c:

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Reply by ✧˖° Syaaark


I love the whole series :) p3 has a special place in my heart mostly because it was my first game of the franchise 

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Reply by chelsea/link☆


p2 and p3 are my favs!!

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Reply by reckoner


i played persona1, 3 and 4, i completed 4 and only played 1 and 3 halfway

persona 4 is my fav chie IS THE BEST GIRLLL

i wanted to play other persona games, my computer couldnt handle ps3 emulator so i couldnt play persona 5. 

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Reply by felix / makoto


AAAA i'm so normal about persona

i played persona 5 royal and beat it 3 times (2 being the true ending) and i'm doing my first persona 3 fes playthrough rn

i played a bit of p4g but couldn't get into it </3

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Reply by swaghaver


p1 just has a special place in my heart, the cast is so fun and interesting and i love the story <33

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Reply by purps


i love persona

sorry for necroposting

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Reply by kyrri


p4g is my favorite I love everything about it 

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