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The little blue check mark?

I've see it around here and there and it's stricken my curiosity. Can somebody tell me what the little blue check mark is? Is it a sort of "official" thing like on Twitter and Instagram? Or is it for supporters? If the former, may I get one as a debut published author? If the ladder, I know how to get it and I plan to buy stickers and show my support as soon as I'm able financially.

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Reply by Anfaeia


It's a like Facebook, Twitter, tiktok and any of the other sites. It just means they're like... "verified" or whatever. If Will Smith or Seth Rogen was on here, they'd have the checkmark. Sad day. I want a check mark lol. 

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Reply by ~Yaya Cat~


Ask an. Maybe he'll add one for you. Doesn't hurt to ask. 

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