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tarot and all that stuff scares me

Posted by 4k3m1zz


Forum: Teen chat Group

im gonna try to make this really short but basically one day my parents invite their friends over and they've got kids and I am friends with the kids right so she lets call her Pepe, pepe brings her tarot cards and she says something like "can I read you" and im like "yeah sure cool" and then she puts them in order does her thing and she pulls out this card which i think had a goat on it or somethign and she was like "something very bad will happen to you", like "something that will fuck you up is coming and you cannot try to stop it" and i was like "blah its just cards it isnt going to do anything." THEN fast forward to yesterday i was thinking about life yk cause i have recently like gotten better cause i used to be really fucking depressed and shit yk and i was like "hm i wonder why that happened" then i remember the fucking tarot cards so i go to pepes ig and im "like do you remember when you brought your tarot cards blah blah blah" and shes like nope sorry so i go to my mom and "im like hey do you remember when they came to our house, maybe like around the beginning of last year" and shes like "hmm that was a long time ago but i think it was around the middle of the year" and im like ok im going to go to my camera roll cause i like to take lots of pictures yk and guess what. the first fucking picture of may which is basically like around the middle of the year is me crying and then i kept going and it was more sad pictures and shit, and that is in fact the time where i started getting really really bad so im never disrespecting those cards again they scare the shit out of me

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Reply by urdreambooS2


Truly, tarot is something fascinating, I myself am very curious and I have enormous admiration for those who work with the cards

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Reply by urdreambooS2


Truly, tarot is something fascinating, I myself am very curious and I have enormous admiration for those who work with the cards

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