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What changed in Spacehey ?

Posted by Malko


Forum: General

I have been on Spacehey since the first days of its creating over 2 years ago, but i haven't been around for a while and i only take a quick look like once or twice a month, because i'm busy most of the times with a type of life which when i think of such stuff like Spacehey it feels silly, and i haven't been in here also because from my point of view Spacehey is not the same as it used to be like over 2 years ago, it was much more cool, lots of conversations, new friendships and interesting Bulletins, blogs, forums etc... but now i don't know! probably it's because i don't use it that much or because Spacehey it's not really a place for messages and to know new people as before etc.. but i no longer care. 

What's matter is that i have already met some interesting people from Spacehey, but most of the original and coolest ones are no longer around, also i noticed too many fake profiles and many profiles with only anime/mange profile pictures! at least show your real face! 

anyway, the only thing that made me wrote about it all is because i'm the type who's careful when using social media because of my type of life that i'm a part of, so for me Spacehey used to be a private and a comfortable place to share a little bit about my life, as of advising the others and exchange informations, ideas and point of views etc...

PS: if any of the old friends that I have met in Spacehey before or the new ones or anyone who wants to keep in touch then you can find me in Instagram and follow each other there mine is:  malko_bourmel

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9 Replies

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Reply by Moz


maybe if this site has a chatroom feature that people can access, people would be on that. there would ton of activity there, and the potentially to make friends.

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Reply by Malko


Well, don't waste the time of the real ones 

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Reply by ♡ Haru ♡


I don't come here to show my real face. If I wanna do that I'd be on fb

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Reply by Malko


I do agree with your opinion when you said (a big part of why this site is so dead sometimes is that most of the people who join want to respond to things without creating something themselves. They want to see posts without posting, make friends without talking, and find things about their interests without talking about what interests them. In short, they want community without participation.)

That's pretty much the case, and probably the reason that there are aren't too many direct communications is bacause Spacehey is old-fashioned site like there is no app that make it quick as on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook etc.. but I like it this way, and what's interesting more is that even tho most users in here they aren't that.socially active but still the people who they are mostly like us we will get along with.

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


Groups are kind of dead, the forums are alive sometimes. Activity comes in waves where there will be a lot of posts and activity for a few days and then nothing for a few days. Personally I'm not bothered by the lack of activity, I think it keeps the site from getting flooded by the type of people that have made other social media sites insufferable

imo, a big part of why this site is so dead sometimes is that most of the people who join want to respond to things without creating something themselves. They want to see posts without posting, make friends without talking, and find things about their interests without talking about what interests them. In short, they want community without participation, which isn't possible

That said, the blog section is very much alive and filled with the most socially incompetent people imaginable. It's like a visit to the zoo

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Reply by Malko


i agree with that man, social media is more like a thing that we do just for pleasure from time to time.  i'm curious to know about those groups, are there any interesting/active groups to join ? 

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Reply by RisenFromDarkness4867


I've been here for about 2 years as well. Since December 2020. At first it was mostly older people from the Myspace era then younger people arrived from TikTok and elsewhere later. I hop on sometimes. Sometimes I forget to. I'm on less social media now after looking back at how much time I spent on it back in my teen years. 

I'm trying to make the groups alive.

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Reply by Malko


"the lack of inactivity generates more inactivity" that's actually the most logical description! 

From what I noticed by some reviews from the others about this topic, is that to find Spacehey more interesting we have to be more active in it and dedicate lots of time and interact more often with the others etc... But come on! I personally don't have enough time for social medias in general also it ain't the same, I mean back in the first days of Spacehey I wasn't that active but still it was much more active and lots of communications and interactions etc.. 

What's your opinion about it all ?

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Reply by ♡ zöe ♡


It had a lot of potential, but I'm in the same boat as you. I check every few months out of interest and nothing is really happening. If it was advertised more I think it'd be great, the lack of inactivity generates more inactivity

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