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a wave that swept me away into an ocean that never ends

i was bandaged

and free

then completely torn piece by piece

but its okay

because i can be bandaged another day

the scars are there

they have healed but they will stay day by day

because god, i pray, i look up to the ceiling in my room and shriek

please let me stay another day without the pain killing me

of these stupid scars remind me of something id hate to think

i feel like im shaking 

a wobbly toy that is old and frigid

a piece of paper that is ripped but tapped back together

my mind trying to put it all back together

but i was broken so long ago i feel like im disappearing

evaporating in the air

feeling like im dust, being swept away

a prop that has been destroyed and out of use

a broken light flickering on and off

a old but beautiful stage that has been abandoned  

and now i just feel like a child who didnt know better

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