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Just looking for a few friends of various life paths I suppose!

Posted by HoundOfFate


Forum: Friends

I quite enjoy reading, writing, contemplating life and it's meaning as well as some academic topics such as psychology among other things. However that is not all I am certain. I play some games, and various other things.

What I look for in a friend isn't what they do or if we can relate but if we can fully enjoy one another by just speaking. The thought process I have behind this and not looking for people of similar interests is if we do that we'll only look for our own sort of people and well.. Cutting out a variety of intriguing people that despite not having the same interests could give you a different outlook in life. Which can be good honestly. 

Any questions for me? I'm willing to answer. I'm also willing to ask some of my own for certain.

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Reply by Eve the Homicidal Maniac


Sup dude i dig your vibe. Yeah i love chatting, especially about big opinions or nice debate. Here's a silly lil question: favorite bug and why? Anything special about them?

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Reply by HoundOfFate


Apologies for the late response life was busy for a bit there. Always nice to debate or see other views. Anyways bug, really don't have a favorite one. Not really something I give most attention to so xD

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