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Proof of extraterrestrial life

Does anyone have some good proof for alien life? It can be books, articles, etc. Some of the things on aliens can be either pretty whacky conspiracy theories or completely made up stuff and I was wondering if anyone had anything specific or well researched, or just famous UFO sightings

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Reply by Allister


Forgot to mention, if you guys have some proof for "cryptid" style creatures (EX Bigfoot, loch ness monster) I'd be interested to see it too, I don't really believe in the loch ness monster but I'm a pretty big believer in Bigfoot

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Reply by Amy


for legit shit, check out the "Pentagon UFO Report". Even the US government admits some stuff they can't explain

there's also this book "The Day After Roswell" by Philip J. Corso

pretty sure he's just trying to cash in but hey, it's famous

then you have the "Phoenix Lights" event, thousands saw it, hard to debunk

oh and the "Rendlesham Forest incident", some military dudes saw some weird stuff

also, SETI, although they haven't found shit yet, but they're still looking.

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Reply by Allister


Sweet, I'll check it out

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