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I'm a HUGE Dracula and a vampire fan in general and I'm currently reading the Dracula book and it's so far the best and most interesting thing I've read. LET'S FAN TALK ABOUT IT! I'm a huge nerd and can talk about vampires for hours! I wanna buy Carmilla to read next!

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Reply by Christina


I read Dracula several years ago, and adored it. I bought an annotated version, so I had lots of historical and literary notes to go along with the story. It was fantastic. 

I've been wanting to read Carmilla also. At the college I went to, the professors did a lecture series over random topics that they were interested in. One of the professors did a lecture about Vampire literature for Halloween and it was the most interesting lecture I'd heard the entire time I was in college. 

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Reply by xX3cheers4BellaXx


Omg I read carmilla a while back and it was so good ‼️

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Reply by Victor Frankenstein


i'm also reading it, im on the 100th page iirc? honestly it's a lot less harder of a read than frankenstein lol

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