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My best friend ordered ouji cloths from shein😭😭

Aaa im so upset over this but i don't wanna start a fight with him over something so small

I only introduced him to ouji like a week or two ago and even showed him some good resources to get real ouji in affordable prices (lace market, wunderwelt, 42lolita ect..) but he ordered stuff from shein anyways

And he didn't do any research on it too, he barely knows anything about it except how it generally looks and it's name..

Idk how to confront him about it because I don't wanna start a fight but he doesn't get how much he's in the wring here

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Reply by esperr


There’s nothing wrong with him liking the style and wanting to get clothes from it, I do understand not liking shein bc it’s fast fashion and such but for some it’s the only affordable option 

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Reply by aljules333


if hes really interested in the style then im sure the shein phase is one he'll grow out of and may start pursuing more high-quality pieces. 

But I understand how irritating it is, i had a friend wear "punk" clothing from shein, drove me up the fucking wall! 

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Reply by lotus


Reply by Kaznik


I really hate shein beacuse of how harmfull it is against it's workers, environment, fashion and the consumption habits it creates on younger ppl.

But ig he'll grow out of it eventually (or atleast I hope so).

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Reply by m4ds


i hate shein and temu and whatever.. thx for the good site recs

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