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tell me your favorite game(s)!!

Posted by overlysarcastic


Forum: Games

just like it says, tell me your favorite gamessss. 

my current addiction is ts4 :) i’ve been playing the sims for 17 years?? idk a long time. 

i was really into hogwarts legacy when it first came out. sadly i got bored. still haven’t finished my first play through yet either. 

i also extensively play mobile games. 

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4 Replies

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Reply by heels64


a game ive been playing a lot has been shin megami tensei 5, ive replayed it like 4-5 times already to get all the ending and I was in the middle of trying to 100% it but I lent it to a friend so he could give it a try

i also love game dev tycoon, whenever I need to cope or don't have the energy to play something complicated i boot it up and spend the evening playing it c:

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Reply by DeciSpark 🍉


I usually play Super Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokémon, Earthbound, as well as Freedom Planet, Spark the Electric Jester, and Undertale.

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Reply by zyanide


right now probably outer wilds. i don't have as much time as i used to anymore, so i can't play video games as much. maybe that's a good thing, i dunno.

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Reply by zyanide


right now probably outer wilds. i don't have as much time as i used to anymore, so i can't play video games as much. maybe that's a good thing, i dunno.

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