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Goth Band Recommendations

Posted by Xx_dr41nd.b4tz_xX


Forum: Music

I've pretty much listen to all the basics and I'm looking to branch out to more indie or lesser known bands! I know that most are on bandcamp which is fine but if you have some on spotify that would be greatly appreciated! ^.^

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Reply by dazenuts


hi! i mostly use spotify so all these bands are on there :) they're not really that underground but they're not the most popular either

- altar de fey

- skeletal family

- sacred hearts

- scary bitches

- scarlet's remains

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Reply by 𖤐aster𖤐


mephisto walz, pink turns blue, another abyss, horror vacui

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Reply by adam


mephisto waltz (walz?), red lorry yellow lorry, and the cramps are some of my favorites! 

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Reply by ♡★dayton★♡


twin tribes, my beloved

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Reply by caweyka


Morbidi I Mnoci and Aurat are my favourite niche goth bands! MiM haven't been active since the late 80s though since they're from Yugoslavia, but Aurat are pretty new. MiM have also recently gotten Spotify so you can peruse their catalogue there.

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