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Rhythm games lol



Forum: Games

Hi I know it's probably a bit niche but I'm posting this anyway because yeah lol

  1. Do you play ✨rhythm games✨?
  2. What's your favorite game?
  3. What's your first rhythm game?
  4. Do you play just for fun or do you grind getting good scores/FC (full combo) on songs?
  5. Which is your forte: consoles, arcades, PC, or mobile?
  6. Are you a beginner or veteran?
  7. This or that: original rhythm games (like DDR) or community rhythm games (like osu)?
  8. Who is your favorite artist?
  9. What are your favorite songs?

Update: People are replying questions 8 and 9 with artists and songs that I doubt that they're in rhythm games unless it's community based. Please answer the questions with actual artists and songs from original rhythm games! I'm sorry for gatekeeping btw qwq

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13 Replies

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Reply by W1LL0W5-0F-WY573R14


1-) Yes, obviously!

2-) D4DJ

3-) BanG Dream! Girls Band Party

4-) I'm kinda in between but definitely closer to the keep playing for Full Combo side. 

5-) Mobile

6-) I would say a beginner because I gave a several years of break, and I started to play them again recently.

7-) Original, that's for sure. 

8-) RONDO! Followed by Roselia and Ave Mujica, if they will be added to the game.

9-) *inserts whole discography of RONDO* 

But to minimize, I could say: 

Träumerei, prayer[s], ReTINA, Ultramarino Flor Seca, Amaoto, Nirvana, Calendula and Black Lotus from RONDO.

Take Me On and Raindrops by Abyssmare. 

Call the Shots, Song I am, Louder, R, Determinɑtion Symphony, Fire Bird, Ringing Bloom, Passionate Starmine, Passionate Anthem and Black Shout from Roselia.

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Reply by W1LL0W5-0F-WY573R14


1-) Yes, obviously!

2-) D4DJ

3-) BanG Dream! Girls Band Party

4-) I'm kinda in between but definitely closer to the keep playing for Full Combo side. 

5-) Mobile

6-) I would say a beginner because I gave a several years of break, and I started to play them again recently.

7-) Original, that's for sure. 

8-) RONDO! Followed by Roselia and Ave Mujica, if they will be added to the game.

9-) *inserts whole discography of RONDO* 

But to minimize, I could say: 

Träumerei, prayer[s], ReTINA, Ultramarino Flor Seca, Amaoto, Nirvana, Calendula and Black Lotus from RONDO.

Take Me On and Raindrops by Abyssmare. 

Call the Shots, Song I am, Louder, R, Determinɑtion Symphony, Fire Bird, Ringing Bloom, Passionate Starmine, Passionate Anthem and Black Shout from Roselia.

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Reply by TheNerdyNiko


1. Yeah! Been playing them since 2019

2. I really like Phigros and Project Sekai :3

3. RoBeats...(roblox)

4. I play for fun mostly

5. I like both mobile and PC rhythm games, though i wanna try arcade ones like Sound Voltex

6. I'd consider myself not that good, but not the worst either

7. I like both!!

8. CAMELLIA!! I lovee camellia's music so much

9. You are the Miserable (Phigros), Your Adventure Log has Vanished! (Proseka), any of the songs from Arcade Showdown/VS Kapi mod (FNF)

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Reply by Irushia.F


1. Yes

2. Pump It Up

3. Guitar Hero on PS2 using joystick.

4. Both, sometimes grind to get higher grade, full combo, or clearing the high level chart.

5. Arcade and Mobile

6. Veteran

7. Both is ok, but i prefer og.

8. TAG

9. idk, too much.

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Reply by e10jp413


  1. Do you play ✨rhythm games✨?

yes, whenever i can, just to zone out to them most of the time lol

2. What's your favorite game?

kind of torn between taiko and project diva. i really like aft since it makes the game way more difficult while still not being overwhelming but playing taiko can be so satisfying 

3. What's your first rhythm game?

piano tiles 2 on a small galaxy s3 screen 

4. Do you play just for fun or do you grind getting good scores/FC (full combo) on songs?

personally grinding for perfects really takes away the fun while playing. it's nice when i do get the occasional perfect but even then the adrenaline rush i get from the pressure of having to be perfect and the inevitable failure really just ruins my mood xp

5. Which is your forte: consoles, arcades, PC, or mobile?

there are no arcades in a 500km radius around me.... and that's entirely dependent on the game, taiko plays nicely on a ds4 but is also incredibly fun on a 3ds, i really dont like playing pd on a vita... between pc and console isnt much of a difference for me tbh since it's fairly easy to configure x mouse to use a con on pc

6. Are you a beginner or veteran?

i've been playing for a while but i dont think im a veteran at all, i have fun playing extreme pd and hard taiko charts but i wasnt playing in 〜2015 yet

7. This or that: original rhythm games (like DDR) or community rhythm games (like osu)?

taiko has a decent library and so do most project diva games but the best original library ive seen to date is sekai's, bit of a shame i keep forgetting to play it. i still really like community charts, ppdxxx has really good mappers that know what's possible for players but what would also push them

8. Who is your favorite artist?

all osu charts that use mili songs are great lmao

9. What are your favorite songs?

the ex chart for roshin yukai or close and open deamons and the dead for pd, and saitama 2000 on hard and night of knights on oni for taiko play really nicely

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Reply by leooo.exe


1. yesss

2. Phigros, Project DIVA and Project SEKAI

3. piano tiles LMFAO

4. i play for fun but getting fcs is also really fun

5. mobile mostly, but i do play muse dash on pc

6. my friends say im really good at rhythm games, i can fc lvl 31 songs on project sekai and and lvl 15 songs on phigros but i think thats just cause ive been playing for a really long time (since 1.7 for phigros)

7. both, original rhythm games have better quality but games like sonolus and osu are really fun too

8. Morimori Atsushi, t+pazolite, Camellia, Team Grimoire, Tanchiky, EBIMAYO, IOSYS (idk if that counts lol), Cosmo@BousouP

9. Rrhar'il by Team Grimoire, Fracture Ray by Sakuzyo, PUPA and MilK by Morimori Atsushi, GOODBOUNCE by EBIMAYO

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Reply by Melo


  1. Do you play ✨rhythm games✨?
  2. What's your favorite game?
  3. What's your first rhythm game?
  4. Do you play just for fun or do you grind getting good scores/FC (full combo) on songs?
  5. Which is your forte: consoles, arcades, PC, or mobile?
  6. Are you a beginner or veteran?
  7. This or that: original rhythm games (like DDR) or community rhythm games (like osu)?
  8. Who is your favorite artist?
  9. What are your favorite songs?

1. yes!!!!!!

2. probably either project diva mega mix or taiko drums!

3. probably piano tiles XD! tho the game that got me into rhythm games was project mirai dx on the 3ds

4. i'm admittedly obsessed w/ getting full combos (i have never had a gf)

5. hmmm i mostly do consoles but lately i've been branching out to pc with muse dash and osu!

6. that's tough-- probably community rhythm games tho

7. i'd like to consider myself somewhat of a veteran in project diva (i can FC extremes on a good day, rage quit on a bad day). but there are also some rhythm games that i am fundamentally bad at still getting used to (cough cough osu)

8. oooo idk if i have one in particular? tho i will say that i love deco*27's work 

9. vocaloid-based rhythm games are what got me into rhythm games so I love luka luka night fever and kimi no taion. bad apple is also a classic that i can always get behind

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Reply by Schizofreniczny


  1. Do you play ✨rhythm games✨? yes
  2. What's your favorite game? bandori
  3. What's your first rhythm game? cant remember
  4. Do you play just for fun or do you grind getting good scores/FC (full combo) on songs? for fun
  5. Which is your forte: consoles, arcades, PC, or mobile? mobile n my switch
  6. Are you a beginner or veteran? vet
  7. This or that: original rhythm games (like DDR) or community rhythm games (like osu)? og
  8. Who is your favorite artist? too much
  9. What are your favorite songs? too muchh

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Reply by KariKinsun427


  1. Do you play ✨rhythm games✨?
  2. What's your favorite game?
  3. What's your first rhythm game?
  4. Do you play just for fun or do you grind getting good scores/FC (full combo) on songs?
  5. Which is your forte: consoles, arcades, PC, or mobile?
  6. Are you a beginner or veteran?
  7. This or that: original rhythm games (like DDR) or community rhythm games (like osu)?
  8. Who is your favorite artist?
  9. What are your favorite songs?


2. kind of mid now due to the community n shit but Friday Night Funkin was my fav just because of how good the charting and note charts were for mods sometimes lmao +it was really easy after a while

3. that my little pony equestria girls rhythm game for mobile-

4. i really just play for fun! hitting notes to the beat is like my favorite thing in the world lmao

5.i prefer PC just because i went through a HUGE FNF phase and i played keyboard

6. beginner really, I've only played DDR once because there's no arcades nearby

7.community driven games, mainly because you can add whatever song into the game by modding

8. I don't really have one-

9. any song from Vs. Kapi fnf because of the charting :skull_emoji:

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Reply by Sophie Wophie


1. not too many but yes!

2. Thats easy, Rhythm Heaven!!!! picking which in the series is my fave is hard though... either tengoku or DS. 

3. my memory is always fuzzy with these things... i probably played ddr at an arcade or some rando mobile game, but the first rhythm game i actually played forrealzies was rhythm heaven DS!

4. most of the time i play for fun! i group rhythm games into two types personally; there are "Carpal Tunnel Simulators" and then everything else lolz. Carpal Tunnel Simulators i especially play for fun, everything else i also usually just play for fun. Rhythm heaven i perfect everything because if you cant tell yet thats my favorite lmao

5. consoles for RH, i play a bunch of others on PC tho

6. in terms of rhythm heaven id say im a veteran, outise of that it probably depends on the game lol. overall id say im a bit more experienced than a beginner.

7. i haven't actually played really any community rhythm games! i plan to at some point just haven't gotten to it.

8. i wrote a long answer for this one but fuggin google closed for no reason and i lost it ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ there are way too many artists i love let alone choose to be my fave. Bôa is up there though! i also really love Randy Newman, im talkin his solo music before pixar and stuff. Sail Away is his best album methinks.

9. god this is even harder than the previous!!! I love all sorts of songs, recently my Muppet fixation has come back and ive been listening to a lot of muppet music as a result of that lol. I guess ill list some songs i like right now! Moterway by Fearofdark, The plastic age, cardboard by out of position (he gets like no listners and hes great), Lagtrain by inabakumori, and Banana Man by tally Hall!

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Reply by Xx_dr41nd.b4tz_xX


  1. Yes
  2. Voez, Cytus 2 or Hatsune Miku Mega Mix + (controversial ik)
  3. Voez or Osu i cant reme
  4. I play for fun!
  5. Mobile for the convenience snd console for playability 
  6. Depends on the game but id say im low intermediate (im bad by veteran standards =_=)
  7. I enjoy community ones but i can settle for both
  8. rn Ecco2k
  9. I like too many to name one

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Reply by hxlloketty


  1. Do you play ✨rhythm games✨?
  2. What's your favorite game?
  3. What's your first rhythm game?
  4. Do you play just for fun or do you grind getting good scores/FC (full combo) on songs?
  5. Which is your forte: consoles, arcades, PC, or mobile?
  6. Are you a beginner or veteran?
  7. This or that: original rhythm games (like DDR) or community rhythm games (like osu)?
  8. Who is your favorite artist?
  9. What are your favorite songs?

1. absolutely! Not how I used to though

2. DDR Fav for sure

3. something like "dancing stange euromix" at the arcade lol

4. I've gone past no-lifeing just casual now, if I like the song I try to get a better score though

5. Arcade cabinets are where I shine!

6. Intermediate! 

7. community! The devs either overcharge for dlc songs and packs normally (fuck you beatsaber tbh) or release them too slowly to keep interest, I like the players being part of and creating the experience


9.Satori de pon, Cirnos perfect math class!, bubble raver

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I'll start (warning: 7 is long):

  1. Obviously yes!!!
  2. Arcaea and Phigros are my top two lol
  3. Robeats on Roblox. Started playing it on late 2019. Stopped because of lack of motivation. I want to start again but the mobile version is wonky af, and I even don't have a PC anymore to play this
  4. Depends
  5. I love mobile rhythm games. I want to play arcade and console rhythm games someday though!
  6. Probably moderate level. In Phigros I reach Level 15 (or 15rks if you're a Phig expert), can FC lv15 charts and got an S on some 16s (maximum difficulty in the game). However I can only clear 9+ charts in Arcaea; every chart above the level is too hard for me to clear until I improve more over time. (Max level is 12)
  7. Original rhythm games!!! Aka the ones with original songs made for the game! However they also add existing songs originally not in the game just like osu! (get this: a song from an album released years ago gets into a recently released game), but instead of utilizing the ability to adds songs and create their own charts to players, the devs of the rhythm game instead got the song into their game via licensing. Unlike community rhythm games, where players make their own charts/levels, original rhythm games cannot provide this ability to players. Only the devs can.
  8. I have way too many but I'll list 5 of them in no particular order: Kobaryo, Reku Mochizuki, MYUKKE., Camellia, RoughSketch.
  9. Like I said I have way too many lol, I'll list 5 again: Testify (Arcaea), DESTRUCTION 3,2,1 (Phigros), Era Breath (Orzmic), Kyouki Ranbu/狂気蘭舞 (Muse Dash/Phigros, originally from Nanobeat afaik), Nick of Time (Dynamix/MUSYNX/OverRapid/Phigros).

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