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Nightmares that shouldn't be scary

Post weird nightmares that you found scary, but aren't necessarily scary. 

I'll go first..

In one of my dreams, i was in this big mansion, all the furniture was huge and i remember two simple looking wooden chairs were sitting in the corner. There were a bunch of people that looked and acted like my friends but none of the had faces and nobody spoke. Outside the mansion there was a huge lake in the back with reflective water so clear you could see space in it. And there was a pretty garden with purple and yellow and pink flowers but none were identifiable. When i walked over to one of my friends the dream ended.

In another dream, i would send letters to my dead friends but there spirits would proofread and tell me if they would like them or not, and obviously because it was a dream i thought nothing of it. (they all still didn't have faces, or they were so distorted it didn't look like they did)

This one is the worst of all, when i was about 4 or 5 i would have these dreams where i was in a completely white room. There would be one white balloon and a needle. The needle would fly at the balloon and pop it and the balloon would turn into colorful TV static. Then another balloon would appear. The process would continue over and over again until i woke up, each time the sound got louder and louder. The TV static would smell like rotting flesh and sweat.

That's just a few of the weird dreams I've had.

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