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what i hope to achieve in 2023! :D

Posted by Zergo


Forum: Goals, Plans, Hopes

first of all, i hope to get more friends and be happy with them
second of all i want to achieve first place in my regional boxing tournament i have in my country, so i will train a lot and be determined!

third of all.. HOPEFULLY FIND SOMEONE THAT APPRECIATES ME FOR WHO I AM!...but also that lives close! cuz holy smokes dude i dont get why its so hard to have a friend/partner that isnt mean these days like damN! All i want is someone that i can truly talk to that makes me feel happy, not just talk and then its just them talking about themselves and some stupid fake positivity stuff that is easy to notice! and yeah thats pretty much it >:D

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Reply by mumbojayjumbo


Hopefully you get all those things and more! Finding a partner is difficult if you go out looking for it. I got really lucky with my boyfriend when I gave up on having a partner. Good luck on regionals and kick some faces (or however the sport works :)

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