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favorite album

Posted by tori <3


Forum: radiohead Group

favourite album and why

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Reply by leo


The bends. I have every song in my playlist. It’s such a masterpiece and every song is beautiful. You cannot go wrong with the bends

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Reply by Inactive :(


mine's Kid A- not sure why, there's just something about it. might have to do with me getting into radiohead around the time i started getting more into electronic music

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Reply by Nigu


hail to the thief! i think they really brought their two sides (guitar music and bleep bloops) together in this one, and there are so many amazing compos in it :D but being real the king of limbs is always fighting for that spot as well, i think the way of making the songs and their resulting sound are so  amazing :)

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Reply by strange-looking fish


Absolutely The Bends, in my opinion it has an amazing structure opening with Planet Telex and ending with Street Spirit (Fade Out). Each song is raw and honest and so perfectly represents specific feelings instead of just being the typical sad or happy song

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