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Favorite Game OST?

Posted by FOSSILTEETH 化石歯


Forum: Games

i'm sure this could technically be in the music category, but..

What's everyone here's favorite video game OSTs, and perhaps your favorite song from each one?
I could list a few that I greatly enjoy, (Stellaris is one!), but I think my favorites have to be:

Pathologic Classic - AMAZING Industrial-Folk soundtrack. Chock-full of atmosphere. I love Pathologic 2's soundtrack too, don't get me wrong, but Classic just hits different. I think it's partially nostalgia, but also just how much more..raw Classic is. For example, comparing the main menu music..Plague Awake Here is BEAUTIFUL, but Main Menu Theme is just..it's absolutely what I'd expect to hear from an indie 2000's game? I love it. There's also perhaps some fondness of playing this horribly clunky, very poorly translated Russian game, unrefined and with a beating heart exposed.

Minecraft - It needs no explanation.

Subnautica: Below Zero - Beautifully atmospheric techno Sci-Fi fun. Ben Prunty was the one who also made the score for Faster Than Light, and oh man is it very audible here, but that's not a bad thing. The original Subnautica also has a great OST, but, the composer is a piece of shit and was fired for being one, so, I feel it's a given that Below Zero is the one getting a shoutout, instead. Also, whilst I actually prefer the game design and gameplay of the first Subnautica, (in a sense, BZ was stripped of much of the horror and isolation of the original, and feels almost..rushed), Al-An owns my soul.

Cassette Beasts - Immaculate vibes. A mixture of rock and synth-pop, very 80's, and it's excellent. I have yet to play this game, but plan to, so that's all I can say on it, wwwww.

Bonus mention--Aquaria! Excellent little 2007 indie game. Stunning orchestral sound score by Alec Holowka, (rest in peace), making for a world that just feels..wonderful to explore.

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Reply by TheUserPerson


Undertale, Deltarune and Minecraft

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Reply by LonelyJuly


Risk of Rain 1 & 2 OSTs 

without a doubt. Chris Christodoulou is such an amazing composer and it's very clear that he put his heart and soul into the RoR soundtracks. My favorite song is "...con lentitude poderosa" from RoR2. It's meant to be a sequel song the Yang to "Coalescence" 's Yin from RoR1 and it is very much that.

the song in question, if you're curious

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Reply by Marty McStarfox


Sonic CD JP, Knuckles' Chaotix, Sonic 3k, and F-Zero GX! I could also add Kid Chameleon's soundtrack, 'cause I don't think anyone talks about it.

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sonic adventure 2, & the soundtracks for devil may cry 1 & 5. absolute bangers.

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Reply by earthb0und


video game osts my beloveds... some of my favourite osts are

Chicory!!! chicory's ost is So good at emotionally fitting the tone and atmosphere of the landscapes you find yourself in and being both really soft and emotional and also. being really fucking cool when it needs to be. the sentiments run deep and the highs when needed just hit really high. also. recurring leitmotifs <3 there are some REALLY fun things at play with the game's themes + the music, like a song that repeatedly mirrors itself to match the current game events. favourite song: MONSTER

drakengard 1's ost is. okay ive never played the game i've just listened to it.  it's kind of headache inducing to listen to for the first ten minutes and i love it. it's classical pieces sampled and then chopped and skipping over and over and its awesome. like 3 steps of extra sampling and pitchshifting and glittery pads and an amen break from something i'd find on the breakcore tag on bandcamp and it was looping on someone's playstation 2. yes. fuck yeah. favourite song: chapter IV; on the ground

mother 3's ost... if i listen to the right songs in the wrong headspace i'll end up crying and that's because most of it is very story oriented. there's something about the stupid little crunch of the gba drum over the most silly-string sounding guitar 'strum' that makes me feel horrible little emotions called fondness or something. so many of the not-combat, not-story themes here feel sooo utterly peaceful, like even in that moment, they're going to be waiting for you everytime patiently, so that coming back to them when the game is complete makes you feel like. Worse. somehow. because the song still feels that way. combat themes are light in tone mostly (except when they're not. and then they're justified. you'll know it.) Favourite (non-story) song: mom's hometown (go play mother 3 btw)

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Reply by sofia


persona 3 defeintly

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Reply by DarkLunarTempest


Sonic Frontiers, Metal Gear Rising, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. These three are some of the best, with some Okami mixed in there.

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