what songs influenced your playing style and developed your technique the most?
whoa i sound so fancy and smart
for me smells like teen spirt improved my strumming, nobody wants you (juno dream) helped with fingerstyle picking, thank you for the venom helped me with tremolo picking and general speed, mr brightside helped me with alternate picking, crying lightnight (the solo specifically) helped with slides and some girls are bigger than others is just such a great guitar riff
there are other songs that are generally fun to play but i wont bore you all
i would be super interested to hear your favourite songs to play and how they improved your guitar skill! :)
I'm also a pretty new guitarist so if any of you have some tips to improve generally i would really appreciate that, one song i have been struggling with at the moment is cemetery drive (rays part) because there are such difficult stretches along with speed so if anyone has some advice please share!