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Video Game Idea

Posted by ⦻MellohD⦻


Forum: Games

I feel like I'm always bursting with video game ideas.  Only problem is I don't know how to code ha ha  Anyways  I thought I'd share one I've been mulling over in my head 

So basically it's a pixel 2d interactive game, kinda like Sally Face and Little Misfortune in the way you move around and interact with the environment (if I remember those games correctly ToT) And it's heavy story oriented.  It would have heavier themes of mental illness and struggles, mostly based on stuff I deal with.

The story would be around this freshmen boy living his life.  You would guide him through his life decision day in and out.  BUT a bunch of options are locked off/inaccesible due to things he struggles with, like anxiety and other stuff.  You would basically just keep repeating a bunch of boring monotonous tasks until you get one of the base game endings.  The game would then encourage you to enter the game files and "add" in assets or alter his state of mind, basically just do a bunch of things to alter his life to improve it.  It would be trial and error, some things being good and some things being bad.

There would be a bunch of endings based on the stuff you do for him, kind of like The Stanley Parable, if you've hear ha ha.

That's kind of the basic gist of it, lmk if you want to know more stuff I've planned for it!!  I also have a bunch of ideas of other games too MUAHAHA

I'm planning on seeing if I can learn Unity's visual code to try and make this.  What are some game ideas you've guys had?

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2 Replies

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Reply by Ivy


I've always liked the idea of unconventional local multiplayer games. Things like Fireboy & Watergirl where 2 players use the same input device, and have to coordinate through puzzles. A buddy and I had come up with a concept where the screen was split in two, with each side having a 3D camera perspective of that player. It gets a little foggy after that, I wanna say it involved.. a caterpillar? lolwut?

Something like a co-operative snake game would be neat too. There's this neat innovation on the game as a PS Vita homebrew, called vitaSnake. Knew the guy behind it, was super cool. Always imagined some kind of co-op experience described above where each player holds an end of the device and has to stay alive and continuously eat food without colliding into each other.

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Reply by xenon


that sounds really cool
an idea for a game that I've had since when I was in 4th grade is a platformer where you play as a small rainbow-coloured square and the world around you is very colourful but recently everything has been losing its colour and turning grey, which was slowly killing it and also the people around it were infected with the same "disease". you'd platform through every level with a time limit where you would slowly turn grey throughout the level and if your character turned entirely grey, you'd die and have to start over

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