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do you guys think the theories abt ralsei being the villian could be true :0?

Posted by willow


Forum: Deltarune Group

i think it would be really interesting yet i dont want my fluffy boy on the bad side T T

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Reply by ✰Jay✰


It is a really compelling theory but I personally don't think that's the case, he's definitely being sketchy about something but I don't think it's in an "oh I'm gonna use these guys to my advantage" kind of way, I feel like it has something to do with his potential knowledge of Kris being controlled by the player and trying to maybe help? Idk fluff boi is definitely sketchy but i don't think its malicious at all 

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Reply by Earthbadger


I have a feeling Ralsei knows something we don't but im not 100% convinced he means anything bad by it. Considering he kinda just assumed everyone knew about The Roaring maybe he dosent even realise hes keeping stuff from us. I can 100% see everyone about the meet the Knight or Gaster or something and Ralsei casually drops like "after this the soul will leave and you wont be possessed anymore Kris !!! :D" and everyones just like "what.". Worst case, he might do something bad for good reasons but not main villian or evil level.

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