I have seen a ton of ways to pass online, and I am doing most to all of them but it still doesn't help me pass at all. I have an hourglass body, i'm not tall, and I have a soft-sounding voice. Most of the time, people just assume i'm a lesbian because of my short hair. The problem is they still perceive me as female.
I just want to be able to walk into a coffee shop and have the Starbucks worker gender me correctly when I order something. Or have someone out on the street assume i'm male. I am pre-T and can't take testosterone atm because my dad will most likely not allow me to.
Are there any other ways that can help me pass that aren't:
- Voice training to lower voice
- Oversized clothing
- Shorter hair
- Contour/masc makeup
- Stitching clothes to make the waist smaller
- Having masc body language
- Binding
I know there may not be any more ways to appear masc but i'd like some unique methods that can help! I have been working out as well but even after loads of research, I don't know what specific workouts would help shape your body into a more masculine one. I'd like info on that as well if anyone has any!