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My OMORI VRChat world

Hii, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to make threads here, I just made this account so I could share this. It's a remake of the entire Omori Headspace for VRChat, I've been working on it for around 4 months now. I considered also including faraway in the same world, but I feel like thats gonna be way too much for the Quest, so I might have to split that into its own world

I've been placing everything by hand to be as accurate to the game as possible, although I took a few liberties to make it look nicer. It supports both Quest and PC, and I'm trying to make the Quest version run as well as I can :)

Sorry for the broken lighting, I usually only bake it before I upload the world for testing
Let me know what you think :))

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4 Replies

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Reply by Night_


and here's how big the world is with what there is right now, i made the docks area actually loop around like in the game

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Reply by ZTKane


This would be such an epic gmod map

Does the neighbors room really not have walls on the sides? I mean it seems pretty weird to not have walls on those sides

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Reply by Night_


i always imagined it didnt really have walls and was just a floating room (since you can see the sky while you're in there) with the door that goes back to whitespace right on the edge, i've seen a few other interpretations that make it a full room with a ceiling and everything

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Reply by ZTKane


I mean it could be room with all walls but i dont know about the ceiling part, i mean if you can see the sky that implies you dont reallly have a ceiling

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