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MAFS AU 2023 Episode 28 Discussion

two stayss whaaaaattt

lmk what u guys thought vvvv

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Reply by vaxgyarados


first ep of this week and hahahaha I won't say I told you so but.... harrison and bronte both writing STAY is so predictable i mean come offff ittttt!!

it's so frustrating to see the experts still react so restrained though, makes me wonder what they would actually say if Bronte straight up asked "do you think he is emotionally manipulating/gaslighting me?"

i mean they don't explicitly claim to be therapists or psychologists ect but surely this breaks so many codes of ethics! they will let a gaslighter get away with murder but the second someone 'questions the process' oh yeah thaats when the challenging comes.

tbf I do think that both bronte and harrison are faking it, they're shtick is a bit old by now but that guy is def not the only gaslighter on the series history.

it's a TV show, it needs to break a profit but these are real ppls lives here do better!

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