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potato :D: google sites

hello. my name is gaster. i am a 10 y/o child. i made a sites.google.com website meant to host GBA games, and possible more in the future. I am taking requests for games, just comment it.

games i have right now: 

-minecraft 1.8 online, just search up eaglercraft. 

-minecraft 1.5.2 online. most servers have moved to 1.8 but there is singleplayer.


-pokemon sapphire.

-the webpage that says vbmwx etc etc, decode with enigma from cyptii. intented for school chromebook users.

here is the website.


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Reply by Pants 👖


I know this post is old but beware of Nintendo. If they find you hosting a site with their IP's it could be really bad. Nintendo doesn't care about who you are or how much money you have. They'll strike it down and sue if they find it. I just want to warn you before anything happens. It sounds like your just a kid so I'm just trying to look out for you! 

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