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Posted by Rin


Forum: Games

I have been playing Pokémon since the very first game launched. My favorite generation is Hoenn, but ever since the Paldea region came out and the storyline, it has slowly been going up my list of favorites. Bellibolt is definetly my favorite Pokémon from this new generation.

I have also been watching the new anime and I am really enjoying it. I cannot wait to see how the new characters develope throughout their journey.

I also just picked up on the TCG. I always cellected the cards, but never really understood how to play. I got interested in it since my group of friends started playing, so now I do not have a reason not to play.

1. What was the first Pokémon game you played and what is your favorite generation?

2. What do you think about the new anime Pokémon Horizons: The Series?

3. Do you play the TCG? Or are you interested to start playing?

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Reply by DarkLunarTempest


1. Pokemon Platinum(PMD: EOS if spinoffs count.)

(Gen 4 is my fave gen and always will be. With gen 7 right behind.)

2. Haven't seen it yet, been meaning to watch it.

3. No, but i used to. I still love collecting the cards though. I've thought about playing it again, but it's been so long i'm a bit intimidated. xD

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Reply by Monica


1. I played pokémon pearl first and my favorite gen is 4 *-*

2. I think I will watch it

3. I still have my collection of cards but I haven't played in a long time and when I did I did it my way ahah 

it's always nice to talk to pokémon fans, have you ever played in pokémon battle arena?

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