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Mass hysteria or actual ghost?

This isn't my experience though, I heard this from my mom and her co-worker a few month ago.

Mom's co-worker said she saw a female figure at the corner of her eye and she's alone in the office at that moment. And after my mom heard that, she also admitted she feels the odd feeling when she's alone in the office as well. So I asked both of them if other co-workers have encountered this same female figure too? And the answer is yes, other co-workers saw it too.

This has been stuck in my head for so long now and I wonder if it's an actual ghost or it just happened to be mass hysteria in their workplace? 

Anyone has any opinions about this? O_o)?

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Reply by scenemo.mess666


gas leaks and the eye playing tricks do happen but so do ghost in my opinion i think it very well could be either

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Reply by Raine


Have they researched the property that the office stands on now? It could just be a gas leak as the previous commenter said. But it could also be other possibilities varying from someone dying on the property to it being a possible Indian burial ground, which you would be surprised as to how often that happens, and the boss/head honcho not saying anything. It's always just good to do some research, especially if multiple people are claiming to see the same thing, and it not being a coincidence. I have been led to believe that this isn't just a coincidence due to you saying that multiple people have seen the person/spirit in the corners of their vision, and that it's not just you're mother and her co-worker seeing it. 

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Reply by Grudge_Fish


There’re actually many accidents reports happened inside and
near this company area. Not sure about the burial area underneath the property
though. Also, I haven’t heard anything about seeing that female figure from
them for a while now and nobody seems to care about this ghost story anymore
(or maybe if they still see it, they just might not tell me bc they know I’d
ask them about it non-stop). Btw thank you for your opinions! 

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