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Should I be a furry?

Posted by Rat


Forum: Furries of SpaceHey Group

                                                 Let me explain

So I have a question, I have a furrsona technically (a rabbit named Spooker). Though it was just drawn cause why not. I've always drawn neko characters before not furrys. The furrsona in question https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ48cDvvMRh/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

(Also I totally drew puppy to look like my bf hehe, he wasn't my bf then)

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Reply by StonielΘΔ


you can if you wanna! the majority of the community is sooo nice and accepting its great:],, i mean every big community has assholes and its provlems but honestly if we are talking overall i dont think the fandom is bad at all it is a really kool group of ppl x3

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Reply by RealLife_Zombie


i think its a great idea! ive been a furry for years and everyone here is so welcoming, ofc youll come across yucky people but the good in this fandom outshines all of it! i say give it a try :3

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