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Not!girl in school (personal story)

before i start this i want to say that i have never experienced something like a hallucination or similar thing, but im not dismissing that explanation to this story.

this happened when i was either in 8th or 7th grade, so 3 or 4 years ago. my (at the time) friend and i used to go the bathroom on breaks together. so on one of the breaks she asked me to go with her. we were few steps away from it as i saw a young girl with braided pigtails run up to the door, quickly open the bathroom door, walk in and close it. i looked at my friend and said "okay lets wait until she gets out" and my friend looked at me with questioning look " the hell are u talking about?" as she opened the door and we saw that no one was there. my friend laughed and told me i was crazy. our school bathrooms were really small so we would see at least her legs in one of the cabins (there were only 2 cabins and both of them unlocked). I moved from that school a year after, so did my friend, so i havent seen that "girl" since. 

i dont know what it was, and nor do i claim it to be absolutely paranormal or smthn. just it sits with me til this day and tought id share it. 

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Reply by scenemo.mess666


me and my sisters have had similar experiences but with double ganger ghost. walk in to a room then they just disappear. freaky stuff

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Reply by Raine


That is insanely creepy, but also interesting that you were the only one to have seen the, I wanna say spirit, of the girl that ran into the bathroom. Also highly creepy that you could always see her legs under the stall. Did you ever try to talk to her? 

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