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Where the queen at..,.

She needs food for new babies.... . I'm digging... Andcarrying leavves.. Please.. Please where is she

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Reply by Mitzi123


Reply by Danny


Fellow ant, please alert the colony to the leaves and we will aid in your journey to help the queen! As our fellow ant says, she is at Arby's.

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Reply by CatBubble


I have located her at arbys, she's fallen ill after eating an arbys 

King’s Hawaiian® Sweet Heat Chicken Sandwich, 

I'm trying to carry her to the med ant, but she is too heavy. Please help

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Reply by Mitzi123


Will help carry her!!

Never eat arby she should have been monitored with her food choice

We all know ants should eat at hungry jacks

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Reply by CatBubble


Our queen should be treated to

Hometown Shepherd’s Pie. 

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Reply by couragedraws


hi, new ant here, if you need an extra six legs to help carry the queen im on my way. can anyone estimate how many days it would take to carry a crumb of sheperds pie back to the anthill?

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Reply by Danny


Currently smelling for your location.... You seem to have wandered fairly far from the mound, it seems as if it will take approximately two and a half days to cover the nine miles you have trecked to find that crumb. The colony is grateful for your servitude to the queen!

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Reply by couragedraws


thank you for the information... because ive already been carrying this crumb for a while (eleven hours) and it's very reassuring to know my ETA. I should have about two days left to go, but it might take a bit longer due to needing to take one rest stop (but it shouldn't be too long of a break, only around five minutes, since ant adrenaline.) If any other ants are nearby my location though I'd appreciate the help. It's very hard carrying a whole crumb just by myself.

I won't be able to make it to the Queen with this crumb so I will carry it back to the anthill and wait for your arrival... please take care of her, I'm leaving it to you

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