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Hi, nu-peeps

For the first post, 

We will share our experience with this genre.

How did you discover it and why do you like it?

Tell us about your favband and your favorite songs

I'll share my experiences in the comments (for later)

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Reply by M0R0NTV


Q: How did you discover it and why do you like it?

A: Back in around 2021 I discovered Limp Bizkit through my Spotify recommendations. Why do I like it?? I feel like it helps me express myself a lot. The loud and what is sometimes considered "obnoxious" is just my taste. It also has so much influence on fashion and overall behavior. 

Q: Tell us about your favband and your favorite songs

A: My favorite band is Limp bizkit and my favorite songs are Re-arranged and Show me what you got - also by limp bizkit

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Reply by CD.Crunk


the first nu metal group that I discovered was linkin park (in 2022) yes, I didn't know them at all (even though they were a very popular band) before I listened to post grunge and hard rock, I hated metal but when I discovered numetal, it made me love this genre of music (all sub genres of metal except black metal) my favorite band is Korn and my favorite song is shoot and ladders  and clown, I don't only listen to popular bands but also a lot of underground bands ( some of them are just *chef kiss* )

Not only I like this music but the fashion and the vide oh my god !! 

Sorry for grammar mistakes, English isn’t my native language :/

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Reply by Gothicmoon


I discovered it on the radio i listened to the song that was on the radio which was here to stay by Korn i loved it so much then looked up the genre and got so deep in to it. 

My favorite band is Kittie and my favorite songs are choke, here to stay, faget, People = shit, clown, stitches, good god, I'm with stupid, push it, honestly just so much more. 

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Reply by fyodor


I'm not sure how I discovered it, but I do know how it was influenced more, it kinda started when I added a few slipknot songs to my playlist and trying out deftones when i kept seeing it everywhere. I got more into Nu Metal when I bought a KoRn cd and KoRn is one of my fav bands, my 2 fav songs would be Here to Stay-KoRn and Pulse of the maggots-SlipKnot. I enjoyed electric guitar over the times, and I loved a lot of rock etc and eventually to metal music, some of this was influenced by my dad. 

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