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vampire gothic literature

Posted by Erin


Forum: Books and Stories

I would love some recomendations!!! pls not the obvious like carmilla, anne rice and dracula thx(❁´◡`❁)

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Reply by gridbug


I'm really sorry this isn't what you were asking for but I can suggest some books with "gothic" themes. Charles Baudelaire's The Flowers of Evil is often talked about as a precursor to modern poetry, but it is just as much a book a book about the dark allure of the city, and urban Parisian life. A lot of it is still shocking and offensive even after over a hundred years. The lyrics for The Cure song "How Beautiful you are" are pretty much just a translation of a Baudelaire poem.

Ngugi wa Thiong'o's Devil on the Cross is a surreal and stirring indictment of neocolonialism, filled with amazing, surreal and grotesque imagery. The novel is based around a contest between the rich capitalists to determine which one of them is the most effective thief, and they relate their stories of how they had robbed Kenya after the revolution, through corruption, violence, and in the final chapter, feasting on the brains and flesh of the working class. It is at times funny, and also a politically sharp analysis of colonialism.

I'm a big fan of this website fivebooks.com, where you can click around and read interviews with experts or people who have written books on a topic recommend five books, and the interviews end up being a good introduction to a topic as well as a reading recommendation. They have two lists, one with gothic fiction and one with, I've only read Frankenstein so I can't vouch for the rest of the picks, I will definitely be checking them out since they all seem interesting : )

One of the people they interviewed, Nick Groom, wrote a book about the history of vampires called The Vampire: A New History 

Here are the links:



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Reply by sookie


  1.  the vampyre by polidori - the blueprint 
  2. the family of the vourdalak by tolstoy - i believe there is a translation/collection of some of tolstoy's shorter works about vampires too but i've not read them
  3. the shunned house by lovecraft - an interesting take on vampires if you're interested in that

(: i hope these recs are a little different for you, unfortunately once you've read dracula & carmilla the selection starts to dwindle. if u like poetry i could maybe think of a few also. 

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Reply by Creature


While I haven't read any Anne Rice books, her work is something I look forward to reading some day. 'Interview with a Vampire and The Vampire Lestat are some of her most popular books :-)

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