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Saying goodbye

So this one's super personal. Its also on the shorter side.

So when I was 16 my sister was diagnosed with cancer. She was only 5. She took the chemo, lost her hair. They did everything they could. But unfortunately they couldn't save her. 

Funeral happens. I'm sad. That night I'm trying to sleep when I notice movement from the corner of my eye. That's when i see a small translucent figure. It was her smiling at me, giving a small wave. She had all her hair back. She then just disappeared. 

She was saying goodbye to me. 

Cut to current day. I find out I'm an empath. The kinda that can sense and now see them(that one didn't happen till recently). She pops up every so often to play pranks on me. 

I'm glad she's at least at peace 

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2 Replies

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Reply by NJ (SECRET)


That's the most wholesome and yet sad story that I ever heard. I'm very sorry about your loss, and I hope you and your family are doing okay. May your sister rest well.

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Reply by scenemo.mess666


im sorry for your loss i hope your doing ok

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