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whats the difference between a blog and a bulletin?

Posted by qiqi


Forum: Helping each other

is a bulletin like a blog but only your added friends can see or??

what is the difference?

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Reply by arlo atomickk


Only friends can see your bulletins and they only last up to 10 days, before which they are deleted forever. They also tend to contain less important content than a blog.

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Reply by NosyCat


I think anyone can see a bulletin, but only your friends get notified (but they always do). Also bulletins expire. On the other hand you have to subscribe to a blog, but you can subscribe to anyone's blog, friend or not, and the posts stay put.

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Reply by dakota 📎


bulletin is like a blog but only ur friends can see and it goes away in 10 days (kinda like a snapchat story but instead of one day its ten)

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