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nina reboot opinions??

nina the killer got a reboot in 2021 by the original creator (Alegotic-twevel) and i'm wondering how people are vibing with it so far!! i just remembered about it today ^^

she got a new character design along with a new story in 2021!! both stories can be found online (notably, of course, on the creepypastafiles fandom wiki) and they of course both have photos to go along with the pages!! 

so i'm wondering about peoples opinions on the new design and the new story,, personally i'm pretty neutral on her new character design (i can say that i'm not particularly going to miss the old design, but there's a nostalgia that comes when looking at it), and i feel as if her story just went from being super similar to jeff's to being more or less reminiscent of jane's,, 

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Reply by ladybug


I liked the old more, yes it kinda Mary suey but that added to the charm(⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠) it has that vibe of young cringe to it it reminds me of me and how free it is to just shove everything you like onto a character (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) ween art was just for the fun fo art

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Reply by Lia :P


i really don’t like, idk she’s too… basic? i still prefer her old design

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Reply by kardamaHHmoon


I'll be honest, I even liked her desing but she herself didn't, it's like stealing Jane's shine, but I also understand that the creator changed because of the overwhelming hate she received. 

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