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how does your queerness intersect with your music?

i think for myself my queerness is secondary to my music, although i used to think the opposite. my musical outlook on life is unique in and of itself, but the queer identity intersects in ways because my identities, of course, influence how the world sees me. what do u all think of this?? what's your perspective?

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Reply by Nora Cola


For me, I guess I'm used to being an outsider, pushing against the boundaries of conventional expectations, defying the confines of established labels, finding expression beyond the prescribed language, and forging new paths ahead, both in my music/art and in my embodiment and way of life - by necessity. It couldn't be or do otherwise if I wanted to.

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Reply by Peppermint


For me, it's in my lyricism. I take inspiration from people around me and me as a person and those feelings get personified into characters in my songsĀ 

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