I have been searching about bpd for a long time and i realized i have some of the symptoms such as:
I often feel “empty.”
My emotions shift very quickly, and I often experience extreme sadness, anger, and anxiety.
I'm constantly afraid that the people I care about will abandon me or leave me. (Not like this but i constantly worry that they hate me)
The way I feel about the people in my life can dramatically change from one moment to the next—and I don't always understand why.
I drink often but idk if you can call it binge drinking. Alcohol is really expensive so i can only drink 1-2 times a week but there WERE times that i spend all my money to alcohol
I've attempted to hurt myself, engaged in self-harm behaviors such as cutting(not that extreme), or threatened suicide.
Unclear and shifting self image
I have lots of friends, they love me and i have so much fun with them but i just feel like everyone loves me but no one likes me and my loneliness is full of people.
I experience shifting self image a lot. I know i am a teenager so im still trying to figure out who i am but this thing is different i am first at my and have pretty decent notes but if one of my classmates ask me a question and i cant solve it i immediately think that i suck, im a failure they are gonna pass me and i will fail
I hated alcohol as a kid but one day i was feeling so empty i decided to try it and i loved it. I hate that i love it. Because in the past i trashed it and told people i would never do it. But now people see me as a drunk (im not) and im embarrassed…
I really dont want to self diagnose so i try to ignore it and telling myself im making it up. I would love to see a psychologist but my parents wouldnt let me.
So I wanted to ask you guys