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Got The Legend of Glitterbeard commendation the other day!

It was such a crazy day too. Started off with us dealing with toxic kids, nothing unusual. Then later on there's these two teens trying to mess with us at Reaper's. We kegged them but then a Galleon came towards us. There were four of us so we weren't as scared since we were in our own Galleon too. But it turns out it was two friends wanting us to help get them the commendation for playing music with another crew. So we did that and goofed around with them.

The teens come back as my friend's friend explains if we get eight people together we can do The Legend Of Glitterbeard commendation. So we are trying our best to get the teens to listen and know we won't kill them or anything if they behave and help us while the two man Galleon is struggling to get Open Crew members to join and help us.

We finally get enough people and hilarity ensures.

For whatever reason all of us stayed on our ship and everyone acted crazy as we sailed. Everyone yelling and chanting in voice chat dancing and running around, I haven't smiled and laughed so much in so long.

We get to the tree and we managed to play the music in the right spots. Then out of nowhere, a player named Micro Meaty comes in, twerks beside the tree as we're playing, then he starts blasting Pirates Of The Caribbean off his phone and into his mic. Then after the door opened someone threw a blunderbomb and we all start acting crazy again. But we all got the journal and went back to the ship. To celebrate we all got drunk, had to take at least five drinks, and then try to do the skeleton ship fleet event while under the influence. We got one ship down but after the next one a lot of us died off so it was back to just us four and the server merged right after.

I will probably never experience a session as great as this one ever again.

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Reply by Maqsud101


I played a lot of games, but I have not seen a game where the players interact with each other so much. The Glitter Beard event serves its purpose well, I think most people have stories to tell about this event. It was a good decision to start this group. I feel like I'm already on my way to my goal. We will hear a lot of stories. Thanks for sharing your story, looks like you're having too much fun.

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Reply by Gray


I am having a lot of fun! Currently me and my friend are trying to get Tall Tales done so I might not have any crazy stories at the moment. Aside from maybe encounters of odd players.

Lately we keep running into players who won't, or maybe can't, type and voice chat. Don't even use quick chat so they're just jumping around on our ship messing with everything while we can't figure out what they want. But that's pretty much the only closest thing to anything interesting happen. I'm sure we'll have our crazy stories again once we do voyages much more often like we were.

But I hope this group grows! I love hearing the stories other people have and watching videos of silly player encounters.

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