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babybat questions!

hi!! i'm very new to the goth subculture and i'd like some tips or suggestions!

are there any really good underground-ish post punk or darkwave bands that i can get my claws on? ive been trying to expand my horizon and figure out what bands i like.

are there any hidden tricks to dressing goth in the summer? i am a trans man so id like to keep it in that masculine bubble.

what are some good "goth" classics i should indulge in, whether that be movies, literature, ect.

if you have any other tips please tell me!

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Reply by cr4bshk


oooh for goth(ic/ish) movies id really recommend watching the crow, crimson peak, and repo! a genetic opera :o queen of the damned is also pretty loved by the goth community

some obscurer bands ive been getting into are aurat, vr sex, and la bande son imaginaire but theres sooo many out there. if you have a local goth facebook group or discord or forum, id recommend checking it out, often local bands and events are shared around, i get a lot of music recs from there!

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Reply by XxDesmondxX X3


Tips for dressing in the summer coming from a transmasc! I know it's hard to dress goth in summer weather without passing out from a heat stroke! But wear as least layers as possible and wear lighter materials! If you're wearing a leather jacket or trench coat DYI some tank tops from some old band tees or wear long sleeve fishnet shirts under your band tees! For pants where something that's baggy or take a pair of jeans and cut some holes in them! Hope this helps!

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