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Posted by _RevVt0Th3mAxx_


Forum: Games

Yo anyone remember that Pokemonlake game from the late 00's/early 10's? I think it was around beforehand as something else and PL was just its revival, but I don't know much about its early history so can't say (anyway, besides the point). Just curious who all here besides myself ever experienced/played that? It's been down for some years as far as I'm aware, and the domain was bought but hasn't been used for anything...It's just sitting there. Great time I had on there, though! I remember getting a lv 100 Spiritombs from a friend through the current email invitation referral promotion they had (probably 2011), and that shit was dope, man. I kicked a lot of ass with it, and damn I miss that game. Anyone else?

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