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Books with difficult/advanced english

Hi!! First group forum post and I'm just curious if anyone knows some good books that use more difficult english that I can use to improve my vocabulary?

I've looked at Ulysses and The Great Gatsby and I am looking for something at a similar difficultyy

ty in advance!!

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Reply by Dandelion Wulfreid


Id recommend checking out House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Castle of The Carpathians by Jules Verne, or Umbertos Circus by Eduard Bass to name a few! Check out the classics section of your local library!

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Reply by hanim ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ


in my opinion "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky has high level of english. it's quite a wellknown psycho thriller classic (i think! with some philosophical stuff ig) 

although there are many diff translation versions (it's original russian) but yeahh all of them use high level english

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