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Guys, Help me how to... Blog

Posted by Tokyo2002


Forum: General

Hello guys, I'm new here, can you help me how to edit here.. 

Like, how to add image in your blog, how to edit the font size to make it readable in blog, and how to have custom layout in your blog


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Reply by EngiQu33ring


For images, you have to upload them somewhere else and use an <img> tag to post them. W3Schools has a good reference page on all the attributes for images.

As for text formatting, you'll want to define some styles in your post. You can do that with style tags:



/* formatting stuff here */



once you've defined some classes, you can add them to your <p> tags:

<p class="some-class-name">

Put a paragraph here


W3Schools has a full reference for all of the different CSS attributes as well as some tutorials. If you want to get really advanced with it, you can upload a style sheet to somewhere like a neocities site and use an @link on all of your blog posts so if you can update the style of all your posts at the same time:

@import url('link-goes-here');

It seems complicated at first, but if you play around with it for a while it'll start making a lot of sense.

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


Meant to add: I recommend using NeoCities to upload your images. They're pretty reliable and give you a decent amount of space to work with. Just keep in mind that if you delete something from there, it will break all links to it everywhere else.

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