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vent 2 official release today [pinned]

Posted by scorpion


Forum: Vent Refuge Group

todays the day, the new update is out and kicking (more or less...)
and you can now go to the app store/google play and get the new version.
i still have both on my phone and ipad rn. the opinions are divided but
ill personally continue to use it cause its better than the
alternatives (and of course ill be active on spacehey).

to celebrate that jamie
had the insane idea to make an official public vent spotify
playlist where everyone can add songs to. its exactly as bad as you

(my favorite is definitely the "jamie poop song")

the original vent servers will probably be shutting down in the next days and vent 2 will still get a whole bunch of updates (e.g. a more vent-like feed and emotion layouts on monday). bio accounts will be an intersting change because theyre pretty much rendered obsolete now and i assume most people will replace them by adding some sort of photo bio to their profiles (similiar to talklife). remember that from now on the data from og vent wont be transferred to vent 2 anymore.

so will you guys be on board with vent 2 or will you go down with the ship?

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