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Spell bound (A omori AU) Chapter two: Kidnapped (not really)

Posted by Toast🍉


Forum: Omori Fan club <3! Group


After grabbing clothes Sunny’s mom left him since the clothes he was wearing were not in the best condition let's say As Sunny puts on his new clothes he finds a note in the jacket pocket.

“Sunshine! I'm in row 6 space 5 right in the front :) -Mommy” Putting the note back into his pocket Sunny makes his way to the reception office and makes his way to the parking lot. Sunny looked at the signs with the row numbers until he saw his mom’s car in space 5 just like she said she would be.

Sunny’s mom was waiting in the car and unlocked the passenger door so they could get in, 

“Hey Sunshine! Are you ready to go?” his mom says as she gets off her phone with someone Sunny did not recognize the voice but he did not pry. “Yeah I am.” He says as he gets his seatbelt on, he looks at the hospital one last time, Basil I’ll miss you he thinks as she pulls out of the parking spot and passes him a small bag “I got you something to eat! I figure you would be hungry on the way to Respite, it is a 2 hour drive after all! His mom chirps as she turns on the radio and it starts playing music

                                     “One more day the sun reaches my bed-”


Sunny looks around to see all the tall buildings around him so this is Respite… he thought as his mom drove past the buildings and stopped in one of their parking lots “And here we are! Once we get our things set up we’ll eat something ok?” Sunny’s mom says as she unbuckles her seat belt.

 “Maybe while we’re out we can go to the mall! Get some stuff for your room! What do you say?” she offers, Sunny can tell her tone expected them to say no but he wanted to get some things.

“Sure, I could use some decorations.” he says, their room didn’t really have decorations besides one or two pictures of him and Mari and even those two were small. Sunny’s mom was shocked that they decided to go but she wasn’t going to complain “Ok! Then let's get the unpacking done!” she says as she rolled up her sleeves and starts grabbing boxes from the trunk and Sunny quickly joins her.

*cue everything being unpacked bc I don’t want to writing 3 chapters of them unpacking boxes*

“That's it for the basic boxes!” Sunny’s mom says as she stretches her back “Over the next couple days we can unpack the rest later. Let's get something to eat first! I’m sure you're hungry!” She says as she grabs her wallet and car keys Sunny can barely keep up with her pace as they leave to the parking lot. “There's this fun little cafe in the shopping center! I saw their reviews and I think you’ll like it!” Sunny’s mom says as she gets in the car. “Ok, thanks mom.” Sunny says as they get in the car and get his seat belt on. “Hey mom? Do you think we can walk around the center? I think I need to start walking more.” Sunny asks

 when walking around faraway those last 3 days made me tired I need to exercise more he thought “Ok! We can do that! I think there's an arcade here anyway!” she says as they walk up to a building “ah! Here we are!” His mom gestures at a building. The sign said ‘Purrfection’, how ironic, as soon as Sunny opened the door the smell of pastries hit his nose and more importantly.


Cats as far as the eye can see

Is this heaven? Sunny thought as he stepped into the cafe they look down and see two cats at his feet, one orange one with a discolored stripe and one that was black and had gold eyes


Sunny picks up the black cat and it snuggles in his hands, Sunny could swear this was Mewo reincarnate coming to bless him with its presence. “Oh! That cat kind of looks like Mewo!” Sunny’s mom remarks, sounding surprised that a cat that looked so similar existed.

“Oh! That's rare! Stranger usually isn't so friendly!” Says a girl next to them, Spooking Sunny, they didn't notice she was there. “Oh! I didn't notice you were there! Sorry!” Sunny’s mom says as she is guided to a booth-like table by her. “Oh it's quite alright! I’m known to do that!” She says “But anyways, My name is Tiffany but you can call me Tiff! Let me know when you need anything ok?” the girl now known as “Tiff” says as she hands both of them menus.

“Will do! Thank you Tiffany!” Sunny’s mom says as she starts reading the options.

As Sunny starts reading the menu they see with big blue letters: “All cats can be adopted! Ask Staff if interested!” Sunny’s eyes light up. I can ask mom if we can take Mewo II home! He thinks and he looks at his mom, as if sharing the cat brain cell she asks “Sunny do you want to take Stranger home?” Sunny  immediately nods in agreement and pets Mewo II some more. What Sunny didn’t notice is the crowd of cats around him, they managed to attract all cats in a 5 mile radius and decided that Sunny is their king.

 “My cat! nOOOO00ooooOOOoooooOO!” says some lady in the corner it took her 45 minutes to get a cat to stay with her only for it to choose a teenager over her.

“Oh! Aren't you Mr. Popular Sunny!” His mom remarks as she pets a white cat and a single orange paw dubbed “Socks”  “Did you pick what you wanted?” she asks and Sunny nods and points at a combo with a very bad cat pun in its name.


After most of the food was gone minus their drinks and a small amount of dessert Sunny went over to the soft area for the cats, layed down and accepted their fate as the cat king 

“You having fun there little man?” The waitress from earlier asks, not noticing her walk up she spooks Sunny again. “Damn you get spooked almost as often as Chloroform.” she remarks as she gestures to a brown cat with white spots “Anyways you seem pretty cool wanna hang out with me and my friends? We’re going to the arcade in 15 minutes after my shift is over." She offers, Sunny looks at his mom with a “help me social interaction is scary” look and all she does is shrug, look away and act like she doesn't see her son in a social situation.

TRAITOR! Sunny thinks as he gets taken by the girl.


“YO GUYS!” Tiffany shouts as she waves to her friends a pair of Twins based on how they looked alike. “SORRY I'M LATE I GOT US A NEW BUDDY FOR THE ARCADE WE CAN PLAY LASER TAG NOW!!” She says as she gets to where they’re standing “Tiff, you don’t need to shout, you’re loud enough for us to hear.” The older Twin says they were wearing glasses and had a bob cut. “Oh C’MON TY! A little Sound won’t kill ya! Plus It’s super loud here!” The other Twin said, They had an undercut and part of their hair was dyed red. “Plus Where’d ya find this kid anyways? What is he 12?” They say gesturing up and down at Sunny.

I’m not THAT malnourished. Sunny thinks even though he is in fact, THAT Malnourished.

“I got him from my job! Dude was like, the cat KING! He even got Stranger to like them!” She says Patting Sunny on the back. “In Fact I think that's Strangers last day there! This kid is gonna deal with Mr. Furball of anger  for the rest of his life!” Tiff laughs and smacks Sunny’s back again

My back is going to break if she keeps doing that. Sunny thinks as they try to find a way to get into the conversation without it being awkward.

“Ok then, Tiffany, chill out, the kid looks like he's gonna blow a blood vessel.” Glasses says as they point to Sunny and he freezes up a bit, I guess I looked weird He thinks as they get ready to speak, “I just got swept up in the conversation, sorry.” Sunny says fidgeting with his eyepatch 

“SO THEY DO SPEAK!” Tiffany says putting her hands on her waist “I didn’t think you were gonna talk! What's ya name? Pronouns? I’ve never seen ya in Respite, did ya just move?” Tiff immediately started asking Sunny questions and he quickly scrambles to try to remember them all. “OH!” Tiff catches herself “I’ve probably talked too fast sorry bro!” She apologizes.

“It’s ok, My name is Sunny and I use he/they and I just moved here a couple hours ago, My moms been here getting the apartment ready for a couple days.” Sunny answers all the questions that were just thrown at them. 

“Oh neato burrito! Names Tiff but you already know that!” she says as she points to the twins “and These two fuck ups are Ty and Daniela!” Tiff says as she starts laughing at the face Ty makes. “Well excuse me I may be a fuck up but at least I didn’t kidnap a 12 year old!” Daniela says gesturing to Sunny.

“I’m going to turn 17 next month.” Sunny corrects him



“Yikes on bikes you're thin.” Daniela says

“Eh we just gotta get some food in ya! There's plenty of snacks in the arcade!” Tiff says to lighten the mood.

“WHO WANTS LASER TAG?” She yells and grabs Sunny's hand to run to the arcade

I have the feeling that this will be fun Sunny thinks as they run.


“ALRIGHT Y'ALL READY TO DESTROY LITTLE KIDS?!” Tiff screams as she get the laser tag cards ready She told Sunny that for the day she is his “sugar momma” much to his refusal about it. 

“Sunny if ya don’t mind I put your username in.” she says as she hands him a laser gun. they look at the username and it reads: Cat_Pirate 

wow how creative. Sunny thinks as he starts putting on their vest, by the time he's done the other three are already trash talking the group of 10 year olds that they were going against. The instructor goes over the rules like no hitting people with the gun, no climbing and no shielding your vest’s weak points etc etc. Sunny didn’t pay attention to half of them as Tiff looked like she was about to snap a kid in half over one too many your mom comebacks. 

“AYO SUNNY WE’RE GONNA BEAT THESE KIDS TO THE GROUND!” Daniela yells as the instructor gets ready to open the door to the arena. As the door opens Sunny freezes, its dark, no, dark was an understatement it was pitch black.  He can see eyes looking at him as they walk through the arena, staring at him, judging him, pressuring him, Sunny starts to panic internally when he hears a faint voice.

“Sunny” The voice says “remember it’s not as scary as you think” The voice speaks again forming a small dim purple light, Sunny elected to ignore the light and focus on his breathing.





Once Sunny calms down he realizes that the room was not pitch black just dim bright neon lights covering walls so kids don’t crash into them.

Kind of like the deeper well Sunny thinks as he hears a beep on his laser gun, the game has started. Almost immediately he hears Tiff and her friends screaming at the top of their lungs and shooting their lasers at everything that moves, Sunny quickly takes one of the watchtowers and just waits till someone is not moving or coming to the tower to shoot him, letting their teammates get most of the points. After a while the timer goes off for the end of the battle and Sunny hears someone walking towards his spot

“Ayo kid.” Ty waved at Sunny “Match is over and Tiff wants you to eat a bunch before you go.” they say as they extend their hand to Sunny. Sunny accepted their help and got up.

I just had lunch and I’m already hungry again, Sunny thinks as he gets up and starts to follow Ty. 

“I got Him Tiff, they were in a watch tower.” Ty says as they regroup with the others 

“Good!” Tiff says as she puts her phone away

 “Its chow time!” She chirps as she grabs the loaded nachos from the counter 


 Daniela shouts as he grabs a giant handful of chips and shoves them into his mouth. Sunny sits down and grabs a chip as well, he saw that he grabbed, according to Kel the last time they hung out like this: “The best chip” it had every topping possible on a ship, cheese, guac, lettuce, a black olive, and a singular tomato.

 “Whoa you scored bud!” Daniela says with his mouth still full 

“That's the best chip on the board!” he says as they point at the chip

 “Where’d ya find it? I want a best chip!”

 Sunny points to the spot it was and he immediately grabbed a handful of chips from that spot. Sunny sighs as that's exactly what Kel would do. “So Sunny.” Tiff says taking a sip from her slushie “You got a phone? We can hang out more often.” As she says that she hands over her phone she filled in the details for him nicknaming Sunny “Cat King” Sunny Puts in his number and they look up and sees Tiff Smiling widely. Sunny looks back down and changes the name to “Cat King (Sunny)”.

“Thanks dude! I’ll make sure to invite you to hang out with us next time we meet up!” Tiff says as she starts making a group chat. While she does that Sunny checks his phone for the time:

3:45 pm 

I should get home to call Basil and Kel 

Sunny is about to call his mom when they see her walk into the arcade

“Ah poo ya moms here.” Tiff says, somehow spawning right behind Sunny again, spooking him yet again Tiff laughs as she waves his mom over 

“Heya Ms. Suzuki! Thanks for letting me borrow Sunny for a bit! Hope ya don’t mind us hanging out more!” Tiff says as she pats Sunny’s back with the power of a thousand hands.

“Aw, it's no problem Dearie!” Sunny’s mom chips as she gets her car keys “It's always nice to make friends when you move!” as Sunny starts to move to his mom, they take one last glance at his new friends

Wait, are there two Tiffanys? Sunny thinks as he see another Tiffany get more tickets for arcade games when Tiffany is talking to his mother

Must be another hallucination Sunny ignores it as they wave goodbye to the Tiffany in front of him, Ty and Daniela. Then him and their mom leave the arcade

“Did you have fun sunshine? You seemed to be enjoying yourself!” Sunny’s mom asks as she walks to her car. 

Mewo II was waiting for them in a nice cat bed Sunny’s mom got him, half of the trunk was filled with groceries and the rest was of cat stuff. Mewo II meows at him as it jumps in the back of the car.

 “It was nice, I didn’t know I would make friends so quickly.” Sunny admits as he gets into the car and starts putting on his seatbelt “Mom can we go home? I want to set my room up.” Sunny asks, while they did take the things out of their boxes, they were all just on his bed “Alright if that's what you want Sunshine!” His mom replies as she starts the car and sets the GPS to their apartment building 

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Reply by Strawberry Jammy ♤CEASEFIRE NOW♤



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Reply by ZTKane


Fun tip to win laser tag!

Step 1. Buy a rifle

Step 2. Go to laser tag with it

Step 3. My lawyer has advised me to not continue this tip.

In all seriousness tho, hella good writing, better than I could ever write. interested to see where this goes in the next chapter!

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