Y' know putting Portal in the same universe already has insanely massive implications. Y'know considering that the whole reason combine kept humanity around was because they believed it was us who were the closest to developing local teleportation - the only reason humanity is still a thing in HL2 is Cave Jonson's sheer incompetence. The tech exists, it's fucking better than what the resistance came up with and it's trapped in an abandoned salt mine with a multitude of robots, because a guy didn't know how to sell products that aren't shower curtains.
That being said I was getting into weapons developed for american military programs dedicated to increasing efectivness of individual soldiers. And OICW was in beta. Honestly though, it would be a mess to try and make it fun - as it was to make it usable as a weapon, so probably not that.
It's moments like this that I wish I did spoil HL:A to myself, but y'know I started a playthrough on a public index, and I'm pretty sure my save is sttill there, so hope remains. I just need free time, and probably good amount of money. Or same promotion they had when I managed to play it then, and amost finish Doom BFR in a single day. As it stands I don't know what I CAN expect.
Going back to Portal - Chell is in fact in the wild right now, and we seen a lot of fan work depicting her working with Gordon, but I don't see it tying with the arctic setting Borealis resides in. I don't think these two elements would make it in together.
Y'know what - Just to piss Vault off: I want them to finally drive home that Gearbox expansions are canon. Fuck everything at this point, I know that whatever the OG story was, its's going through major changes and Race X could be a good source of filler if nothing else. Shepard making it into the picture also has a massive potential, just not for the base game, unless they suddenly give him a voice and make him a character, wich unlike barney doesn't make that much sense to me.
Collette Green - one of the playable characters from Decay could still be around - Gina Cross has been seen dead in Xen. But that's still a great opportunit. I seem to recall Mosman was at one point supposed to be one of them, and with her on the opposite side - Collette could be a good substitute if they feel one is needed. Also I have no idea why they chose not to name Kleiner, by the models pre-HL2 most popular name - Walter Bennett. I myself preffer it honestly.
Honestly now that I implied all this - this is where the crossover with portal would make the most sense. Gordon is Bussy already but if G-man wants to bring Chell into the picture - he's got Shepard on standby. Don't know how it'd work, but I see no reasons why it couldn't.