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How'd everyone get into MCR?

I feel like everyone has there own lil story or single song that got them hooked and I'm curious what other people's ones are.

Mine was save yourself I'll hold them back, cannot tell you how or why that was my introduction but it sure was 

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Reply by Lee_eatsbugzz


Mine was Teenagers. Ik, pretty cliche but me and my step-sister used to head bang to that song when we were younger. But we stopped hanging out, and she slowly stopped visiting me. So, i stopped listening to the song, because to me it was like "our thing" and it wasn't the same without her. About a year or two later, she visited again, and we started jamming to teenagers again. I then started to explore mcr a bit more, and i cant remember what the first song i listened to (besides Teenagers) was, but i remember the first music video i watched was Helena, or I'm Not Okay. I'm pretty sure it was Helena. :) 



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Reply by 𖤐 ִJELLYCATT 𖤐


i remember seeing the famous last words mv on youtube when i was like 10 and i swear i just loved it sm, after that i clearly remember watching the blood mv X)) 

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Reply by Soull


I actually discovered who MCR was through their solo projects 

and got into the band from a friend! 

I had already known of Gerard Way and his comics 'The Umbrella Academy' Which I have now in fact read. 
I also had heard of Frank Iero and some of his solo songs. 

and then i got majorly into this artist TX2 and i got reccomended MCR a decent bit and i ended out giving it a try. i rememeber the first song besides teenagers and black parade (which i already knew) that i listened to was "thank you for the venom" and the first music video i watched was "Im not okay(i promise)" !!!

the songs that fucking got me HOOKED tho were 100%
-Vampire Money
-Ghost of you
- Every Snowflakes Different (silly ik)


- The World is Ugly

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Reply by NatNuclear09


I got into MCR by seeing some animatic with the song Cancer in the background. It must've been about 2020. Prior, my mom loves MCR therefore I knew about the band. From there, I just got obsessed with my chem and still love them to this day. Their music helped me with a lot of tough times ykwim?

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A primeira música que eu ouvi foi Honey, eu simplesmente amei. A história é bem engraçada, na verdade.

Havia um garoto muito chato no ônibus que eu ia para o colégio. Ele puxava meu cabelo, dava em cima de mim e eu nunca dava cabimento para ele fazer isso. Daí, um dia, eu senti vontade de bater nele, mas ao invés disso, eu pus os fones.

Eu não tinha ideia do que ouvir. Eu queria algo que representasse minhas emoções. Foi então que me veio a cabeça o nome.

Depois disso, eles tomaram um lugar no meu coração e são minha banda preferida.

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Reply by emopunchingbag


i make a joke to myself (cause i have no one to tell it too) that i was meant to be a frank iero fan or always was one because i ever since i was a kid i had a fascination with his skeleton gloves and always wanted a pair. thats been years and i still dont have a pair :(

i had access to the internet as a elementary schooler who would be going into middle school in a good two to three years. i remember seeing the three cheers album cover back in 2020 i think it was and i was amazed with it and i never knew at the time what it was from. overtime i started hearing mcr songs and saw a lot of people wearing the shirts throughout the internet, and of course i was amazed. at one point i knew it was about time i got into the band and instantly fell in love with all of the songs as well as the members, especially mikey. 

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Reply by Moccatee


I heard foundations of decay somewhere and started listening to it, then like a year later I started listening to more of their songs and fell in love

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Reply by sister2sleep


back in like 2012 i was watching my friends brother play runescape and house of wolves came on his pandora station LOL. and then here i am... of course i got into them like less than 6 months before they broke up. BUT i did get to see them last year!!! what a life.

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Reply by _stjimmy_


One time me and my friend were talking on the phone. She asked me if I knew the song Teenagers. I knew it from TikTok and other social media apps, so I said yeah. I had heard of MCR before, but didn't really listen to it. She convinced me to check it out, so I did. I immediately LOVED it. Then I saw Welcome To The Black Parade. Ever since then, Ive LOVED MCR. Im convince that they turned me emo.

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Reply by Sal‼️ =^._.^=


I was thrifting and saw a TCFSR shirt and thought it was cool but I didn’t wanna be a poser so I started listening to the band and now it’s my favorite thing ever and I still have the shirt (which is now VERY worn but I still love it) :3

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Reply by Peter X3


I heard Helana in House of Wax (2005) when I was like- 4-5? and have been hooked since :D

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Reply by Helena ✯


So, silly story. When I was younger my parents were hard core emos. I'm talkin' black hair, eyeliner, my mom with red side swept bangs. They went to a lot of MCR shows, they saw TCFSR, TBP, i'm talking a LOT of concerts. They even saw P!ATD in its prime (Ryan Ross era (still salty.)) Once I was born they named me Helena. So growing up they would dress me how they would dress, that also meant I listened to the same music. They were going to take me to The World Contamination Tour (Danger Days concert basically,) in 2011 but left me at home cuz they said I was too little. Since I was in the womb basically, I was just born into listening to those guys from NJ. ^_^

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Reply by ♡ Gerard / Cas / Will ♡



I found Mcr as a 7th grade boy. I would spend my days cooped up in my room watching crankthatfrank rather than doing any of my schoolwork and one day I decided, "hey that band he's always yapping about looks pretty sweet let me look them up..." it was all downhill from there XD. lets just say that very december I will remeber so vividly as the year I got the best christmas gift ever (it was return tour tickets and I miss it so much that concert was literally the best night of my life, I do not regret skipping my freshman year homecomming to go to an MCR concert lol)

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